Gentoo Linux published version 2005.0 over the weekend, complete with a new security system.
Available at a number of file mirrors across the world, the software is also available for download via the BitTorrent file protocol.
Documentation for the new release can be found at Gentoos Web site.
The release includes new installation media for Alpha, AMD64, PPC, PPC64, SPARC, and x86 processors and includes stages for IA64 and SPARC32.
The Gentoo software is among the more popular Linux distributions, although some reviewers have concluded that it is more suited to the individual user.
In a review, eWEEK Labs concluded that the software isnt quite up to snuff for enterprise deployment, but that the software is definitely one to watch.
“With so much room for variation in a Gentoo system, Gentoo users depend on testing done by the upstream projects from which nearly all open-source software originates,” eWEEK Labs analyst Jason Brooks wrote.
“For the most part, this isnt a problem—weve had success with most Linux distributions when downloading, compiling and dropping in straight-from-the-source versions of major components such as the Linux kernel or KDE.
“However, as the number of customized components grows, so does the number of potential software conflicts.”