Why does Microsoft constantly fall on its face when it comes to operating system deadlines, while Linux continues to cruise along popping out one release after another?
While Microsoft fans prefer to ignore that question, Microsofts recent admission that it wont be able to make its latest Vista deadline of the 2006 holiday season makes this question unavoidable.
Indeed, I find it hard to see how anyone can believe in Microsofts latest Vista deadlines.
How can Microsoft get usable volume-licensed versions of Vista out by November 2006, while the consumer retail versions wont be ready until January 2007?
Yes, there are no fewer than six major Vista releases, but its all the same core code-base, isnt it? Well, isnt it?
Could it be that the consumer releases are just being held up because of such home-centric functionality as media playback? It would be nice to think that, but the real problems cover the entire Vista line.
Jim Allchin, co-president of Microsofts Platforms & Services Division and head Vista honcho, said Vistas quality problems are in performance, drivers, testing and security.
Thats damning. These are the fundamentals for any operating system, used at home or at work.