The Linux Professional Institute, the leading vendor-neutral Linux certification organization, is updating its recertification policy to ensure that Linux professionals skills and knowledge are still up to date and relevant.
People who already have their LPIC (Linux Professional Institute Certification) will have to recertify every five years or, alternatively, earn a higher certification status. Previously, recertification was only required after 10 years.
That said, Jim Lacey, president and CEO of LPI, said, “LPI will continue to advise Linux professionals to seek recertification every two years due to rapid changes and improvements in the Linux operating system, but that consultations with industry leaders indicated that a mandatory five-year recertification policy was sufficient at this time.
“In bringing our exams up-to-date with recent versions of the Linux kernel, we found it necessary to re-examine our recertification policy,” he said. “It should be noted that because we are distribution-neutral we dont require our candidates to re-certify with each new version of a specific distribution. However, we are interested in the underlying technology of the Linux operating system and what knowledge and skills an IT professional must have to work with multiple distributions in an enterprise environment. Our new recertification policy should ensure the relevance, currency and value of those who have obtained our certification.”