Cyber-security awareness and training solutions specialist Wombat Security Technologies announced its anti-phishing training suite, which helps security officers to assess and reduce their company’s vulnerability to cyber-threats by integrating simulated phishing attacks and two interactive follow-up training modules.
All of Wombat’s training solutions utilize learning science principles to engage the user, deliver practical knowledge and ensure employees retain information they are taught in the 10-minute training sessions. Highlights of the anti-phishing suite include improved reporting and additional functionality in PhishGuru and enhanced reporting capabilities including detailed campaign summaries, event and repeat offender reports as well as a network map that pinpoints IP addresses where an employee’s request originated.
“As evidenced by the recent high-profile breaches, organizations need to empower their employees to defend against attacks,” Eric Ogren, founder and principal analyst of The Ogren Group, said in a statement. “Effective security awareness training for the entire employee base has become a necessity for any company that wants to take a proactive stance against the growing threat of phishing and other cyber-security attacks.”
Other features include follow-up campaign scheduling, which enables security officers to automatically re-assess the employees who fall for attacks, multiple administrator defined fields for managing contact groups and a new URL training module that teaches employees how to determine which URLs are safe and which are fraudulent
Rounding out the package is an updated version of Email Security training module with a new look and updated content, as well as training auto-enrollment, which helps ensure that employees who fall for a mock phishing attack are assigned training modules to educate users at a time convenient for them. According to a recent report by security firm Kaspersky Lab, 37.3 million users around the world were subjected to phishing attacks in the last year, which represents a whopping 87 percent increase over the same period in the previous year.
“Anyone can send mock phishing attacks to employees, but education is critical and our combination of simulated attacks coupled with innovative, in-depth training delivers effective education and behavior change,” Joe Ferrara, president and CEO of Wombat Security, said in a statement. “Our anti-phishing training suite enables customers to provide positive reinforcement to end users, for example, those who did not fall for a simulated attack, those who scored high on training modules, etc.”
Wombat recently announced a reseller agreement with RSA, EMC’s security division, designed to help organizations leverage security awareness training so that employees become part of their company’s active defense against growing cyber-attacks.