LAS VEGAS—Computer Associates International Inc. Tuesday announced at CA World here a broad alliance with Sony Corp. to integrate and jointly market CA BrightStor storage management software with Sonys PetaSite and StorStation hardware.
The non-exclusive global agreement targets medium-sized and large enterprises with combined backup offerings.
The first of many deliverables in the joint work will be CAs BrightStor ARCserve Backup 9.0 software with Sonys StorStation Advanced Intelligent Tape Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) hardware, which is due next month, according to Stephen Richards, executive vice president sales and field operations for CA.
Additional deliverables due in the October/November time frame include Sonys PetaSite storage systems integrated with BrightStor Enterprise Backup as well as CAs BrightStor Mobile Backup storage management software integrated with Sonys file servers and tape libraries.
The combined BrightStor ARCserve backup/StorStation offering is targeted at health care, surveillance and financial services vertical markets.
The duo also intend to address new requirements from customers affected by new data retention legislation that go beyond what “traditional storage vendors can provide,” said Richards.
In addition, CA announced Version 10 of its flagship BrightStor ARCserve Backup software, which adds Advanced Application Disaster Recovery functions intended to reduce recovery time for Windows system crashes.
The new release initially supports Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Exchange Server. It also adds granular backup and restore capability for single instance storage of Exchange.
The new release is due in the fourth quarter for Windows. Linux and NetWare support will be added early next year.