Robert W. Fischman and Steve Grassi
ROBERT W. FISCHMAN is VP of North American Field Operations at Stratus Technologies. He joined the company in 1989 as the District Manager for New York Financial Services. Throughout his tenure with Stratus, he has continued to assume increased responsibility, reaching his current position in 2000. Prior to joining Stratus, Robert spent 15 years at Unisys and its predecessor, Burroughs Corporation. He has a B.A. from Union College and an MBA from Columbia. He can be reached at********************************************************STEVE GRASSI is the CIO and founding partner of Ambriel Technologies. He provides executive leadership for the strategic use of IT resources in support of the mission and goals of the organization. Ambriel Technologies has been certified as approved products to aid the Department of Defense in transitioning its computer networks to Internet Protocol Version 6. As CIO, Grassi was instrumental in the development process of that product. He has more than 15 years of experience developing technology solutions, including extensive training and experience in systems engineering and project management. He holds a degree in Computer Information Systems from Strayer University, and numerous certifications from top hardware and software vendors in the industry. He has taught courses for vendors of firewalls and several third-party applications. He can be reached at
How to Choose the Right Strategy for Your IPv6 Migration
/images/stories/70×50/bug_knowledgecenter_70x70_%282%29.jpgIn companies and organizations across our Internet-connected society, transitioning to the next generation Internet is becoming an increasingly imperative need. Nowhere is the need to transition to IPv6 more pressing than with the U.S. federal government. On Aug. 2, 2005, the department of E-Government and Information Technology of the Office of Management and Budget issued […]