1LABS GALLERY: Palm’s Mojo WebOS SDK Includes Eclipse Plug-in and Emulator
2Adding Plug-ins
The Eclipse IDE includes an easy interface for adding plug-ins. In the case of the Palm WebOS SDK, called Mojo, you start by adding the palm.com address and follow the wizard’s steps for including the plug-in.
3Mojo Application
After the plug-in is installed, you can create a new WebOS application by choosing Mojo Application in the New Project wizard.
4App Info
The Mojo Application wizard then opens, asking you to fill in information about the new application, including name, title, vendor, ID and version.
5Making a Scene
The plug-in also includes a wizard for adding a new scene, which is essentially a combination of HTML and a JavaScript file.
The new Palm emulator runs in the VirtualBox software from Sun.
7Palm Pre Look-Alike
The new Palm emulator looks just like the Palm Pre’s actual screen, except it runs on your desktop.
8Sample App
This is a sample application that ships with the SDK. I built it in Eclipse and ran it in the Emulator. It demonstrates various widgets that are available to WebOS applications.
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