Microsoft is continuing to grab top developer talent. The latest catch: open-source stalwart Jim Hugunin.
Hugunin created JPython/Jython; co-designed the AspectJ aspect-oriented-programming language while working at the Xerox PARC research center; and is the moving force behind IronPython, the implementation of the Python language targeted at .Net and Mono.
Hugunin has joined Microsofts Common Language Runtime team, where he will work on furthering Microsofts support for dynamic languages. Dynamic programming languages enable programs to change their structure as they run.
Hugunin started with Microsoft on August 2. But he hasnt completely abandoned the open-source fold.
A posting on the Iron Python home page said Hugunin plans to continue to work on Iron Python from inside Microsoft. The first public version of IronPython was released on July 28 under the Common Public License, an open-source license.
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