Accounting software for small businesses has grown up nicely in the past five years. In fact, among the major products, the choices range from good to excellent. Here, we look at four of the best: MYOB Plus 2004, Peachtree Premium Accounting 2004, Quickbooks Premier 2004, and Simply Accounting 2004 PRO.
These programs have more commonalities than differences. All provide records and forms to accommodate the core functions of financial bookkeeping: General Ledger, Accounts Receivable and Payable, Inventory, and Payroll. They also provide capabilities in time billing, project tracking, and fixed-asset management.
Each also offers setup tools that walk you through creating the framework for your books, either from scratch or from imported records. If you have multiple users, you can set up access permissions for each. They all provide record formats—often customizable—for storing details on people and items, and forms for processing transactions. And they generate the critical reports you need.
Some go beyond the basics, offering financial features such as online banking and Web storefronts. These new versions havent made quantum leaps compared with previous iterations of the packages, but each offers new tools and guidance thats worth investigating.
Click here to read PC Magazines analysis of the latest bookkeeping software.