SEATTLE—At the DockerCon 16 conference here, more than 4,000 attendees have gathered to learn and talk about Docker containers. At the core of the event is Docker Inc., which has grown as Docker container use has expanded in the market, and helping to lead the way is Docker Inc. CEO Ben Golub.
In a video interview at DockerCon, Golub provides insight into how he’s growing the business and why partnerships with some of the world’s leading IT vendors, including IBM and most recently Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), are driving growth.
Under the HPE-Docker deal, Docker is included in all the servers that HPE will be shipping. Golub noted that Docker has a technical and go-to-market integration with HPE.
“As servers are shipped and as people use our commercial Docker engine support, our revenues will scale,” Golub said.
While Docker use is growing based on developer adoption and partnerships for the commercially supported technologies, Docker Inc. has a direct sales team, as well. Leading Docker’s sales efforts is Roger Egen, senior vice president of sales and channels, who previously had helped lead Red Hat’s channel development efforts.
As Docker scaled up, the company hired a chief financial officer, Mike Gupta, former CFO of Twitter, in September 2015. To date, Docker Inc. has raised more than $150 million in venture funding, including a $95 million Series D that was announced in April 2015.
“We’re starting to build up very predictable revenue models; that’s one of the values of having a subscription business,” Golub said. “We are seeing nice revenue growth, with revenue growing faster than expenses and plenty of runway from a couple of large funding rounds.”
Watch the full video interview with Ben Golub below:
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at eWEEK and Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.