ATLANTA—JP Mobile Inc. on Monday will announce at the CTIA Wireless conference here that its SureWave Enterprise Server software soon will support Novell Inc.s GroupWise platform.
Previously, JP Mobiles wireless middleware platform has supported Microsoft Corp.s Exchange and IBM software divisions Lotus Notes. GroupWise is decidedly less popular than Notes or Exchange, but officials at JP said there has been significant customer demand for GroupWise support, especially in government, legal and educational institutions.
“Theyre like Mac users,” said Dayakar Puskoor, CEO of JP Mobile, in Dallas. “Theyre very loyal.”
GroupWise tends not to be as virus-tormented as its competitors, Puskoor added.
For organizations that use multiple groupware platforms, the SureWave software can support GroupWise, Notes and Exchange simultaneously, Puskoor said.
On the device side, SureWave supports Palmsource Inc.s Palm OS, Microsofts Windows Mobile software and Symbian Ltd.s Symbian platform.
SureWave for GroupWise will be generally available early in the second quarter of this year, officials said.
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