The Gossip Gatherer gleaned that once-infamous hacker Kevin Mitnick doesnt seem to impress the security-savvy crowd these days. Mitnicks flagging street cred was betrayed by the snickers of many attendees at the fact that his companys Web server got hacked right after his site went up.
The Furry One was in his element at Microsofts Security Appreciation event held high atop Seattles Space Needle. The bash was organized by security industry veteran and program manager of Microsofts Secure Windows Initiative, Window Snyder. “Mmm, if Microsoft didnt hire her, Im sure Redmonds lawyers would have sent a cease-and-desist notice concerning her first name,” cackled the Kitty.
When El Gato realized it was the cold northwest wind, not the strong drink, that was causing the Needles observation deck to sway, he scatted by cab to Sea-Tac and jumped on the next flight home to Beantown. Spence felt more confused than shocked as he witnessed Janet and Justins Super Bowl halftime antics. “I thought baseball was the only sport where you could have one out,” the Mouser mused. Spences deep thoughts were interrupted by a phone call from a lass who said investment communities are buzzing that vulnerability management player Foundstone is close to being acquired by Network Associates.
The Eco-Kitty took his solo Super Bowl party empties to his pal, Pete, who runs the local elementary schools recycling program. Pete told Spence that thanks to the Katts contributions alone, not only is there a laptop on every desk, but each pupil also has a Cadillac SUV. The friend of the Furball said Yahoo group members are fuming over Yahoos mention of Web beacons in its privacy policy and are advising fellow groupies to opt out. After checking, Spence realized the words “Web beacon” appear to be newspeak for Web bug, a small graphic that can track Yahoo members Web travels. “To paraphrase Timothy Leary, Yahoo users should always remember to tune in, turn on and opt out,” laughed the Lynx.