This week, Andrew Garcia zeros in on some of the standards and certifications that can help businesses develop their business continuity plans, and offers up tips on setting up notification processes for implementing these plans:
I wrote a column about Rackpace’s cloud announcements a few weeks back, and about licensing savings possibilities that Rackspace’s mixed Exchange/Noteworthy email service offerings call to mind:
Also, I took Microsoft’s Software Restriction Policies tool for a spin, and prepared a slideshow of how SRP works in XP, and of how the feature will change in Microsoft’s forthcoming Windows 7.
Meanwhile, Jeff Cogswell is offering a tour of RIM’s new Blackberry Development Environment, and Matt Sarrel has written a review of SkyRecon’s StormShield, as well as a slideshow of the product in action.
Cameron Sturdevant blogged this week about his initial experiences with Microsoft’s Virtual Machine Manager 2008, and prepared a bunch of shots of VMM 2008 in use.
Jim Rapoza discussed a recent patent ruling, and the hope it provides for improved innovation. Jim also reported on his tests of Camtasia’s latest screencasting tool (with screen shots).
Frank Ohlhorst whipped up a channel reviews and analysis three-pack, including:
- Intel’s Core i7 CPU Cranks Up Performance
- Iomega StorCenter ix2 Offers Ample Storage for Negligible Price
- HoundDog Helps Solution Providers Bark up the Right Tree
If you have a burning IT question that only eWEEK Labs can answer, drop me or another Labs analyst a line, or have your say in the comments section below. Have a great weekend, everyone.