Matt McAlister » eWeek doesn’t want me to visit eweek.comMakes some fair points about our web site — Interestingly, when I navigated away from Mr. McAllister’s blog page, my browser crashed!(tags: publishing)
Microsoft Watch – Security – The Anti-Virus Question“Does Windows need anti-virus? That’s the question I would like Microsoft Watch readers to answer.”(tags: security windows)
The Not-So-Rapid Blog – Thoughts on needing antivirusVery pro-AV blog post. This guy says that if your computer is plugged in, you need AV. I don’t know that I buy it…(tags: security)
What’s wrong with Microsoft?“No, the biggest problem with MS is far worse. It’s the users they create.” That’s a bit rough, I’d say.(tags: security windows)
Blogging From Ubuntu Using Drivel — Ubuntu GeekI gave Drivel a go, but my user name is multi-word, which makes Drivel flip out.(tags: blogging linux)
BS.Info: The Beginning and the End (the process to)(tags: powershell windows)
Gaurhoth’s Powershell Thoughts: Homebrew Installer for Powershell on Windows Vista (updated)Crazily, Microsoft’s Powershell won’t be available for Vista until Jan 31. Here’s a workaround for getting it installed on Vista RTM now…(tags: powershell vista)
Linux Kernel Documentation :: networking : bonding.txtThe Linux bonding driver provides a method for aggregating multiple network interfaces into a single logical “bonded” interface.(tags: linux network)
Delve into UNIX process creation“Examine the life cycle of a process so that you can relate what you see happening on your system to what’s going on within the kernel.”(tags: linux unix)
Linux News: Servers: Xen’s New Virtualization App Has Its WrinklesThe upcoming release of Virtual Iron 3.1 lacks many of the advanced features of VMware’s Virtual Infrastructure Server 3, but it does showcase that VMware’s competition is not far behind.(tags: virtualization xen virtual-iron)
This device brings broadband to the car“Autonet Mobile Inc., a San Francisco start-up, said yesterday that it is preparing to release a product for cars that combines 3G cellular access and Wi-Fi technology.”(tags: wireless internet)
An Introduction to Virtualization“The purpose of this document can be informally stated as follows: if you were to use virtualization in a an endeavor (research or otherwise), here are some things to look at.”(tags: history virtualization reference)
Linux.com | How to get a Windows tax refund“If you buy a computer, you often pay for Microsoft Windows even if you didn’t ask for it and aren’t going to use it. This article shows you how to return your unused Windows license and get your money back, freeing yourself from the Windows tax.”(tags: windows)
Linux grid takes out firm’s aging mainframeOn the heels of an IBM claim about mainframes offering better ROI than smaller systems, here’s a piece about a grids vs. mainframes…(tags: linux)
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