Hewlett-Packard Co. and Linux NetworX Inc., which makes cluster software and management tools, are partnering to create supercomputing cluster environments that are cheaper than traditional systems.
In the agreement, announced Wednesday, HP, of Palo Alto, Calif., will offer Linux NetworXs ClusterWorX software as a tool to manage the cluster environment, where large numbers of systems are tied together through high-speed networks. The software offers users monitoring, management and disk cloning capabilities.
In turn, Linux NetworX, of Salt Lake City, will offer HPs Linux systems featuring Intel Corp. Itanium 2 chips to customers who want 64-bit computing capabilities, the company said. However, Linux NetworX will continue to offer its own Evolocity line of cluster servers, according to officials.
The first of Linux NetworXs new systems—using HPs two-processor rx2600 server and four-processor rx5670 servers—will be available Jan. 1, according to company officials.