John Lettice

Failed Windows XP Upgrade Downs 60,000 UK Govt PCs

Most of the desktop computers in the UKs Department for Work and Pensions were paralyzed for four days on Monday, when a failed upgrade took them offline. The outage, covering 75 percent to 80 percent of the DWPs 80,000 PCs, is one of the largest in the UK governments not entirely impressive IT history. And […]

3GSM 2004: Whither the Battle of Smart Phones?

Quite a few dogs failed to bark at 3GSM in Cannes this week, and some of those that did emitted a strange yelp rather than the throatier vulpine sound wed been expecting. Several veteran journalists remarked on how refreshing it is not to be writing about Microsoft all the time, but hearing so little of […]

(Not) Making the Connection at 3GSM

Some people would have you believe that 3GSM World Congress 2004 in Cannes that just ended was the crowning moment when 3G really started to take off. But dont believe the hype. The show may have been where more confident announcements about 3G started to be trumpeted, but the 3GSM affair continues to be a […]

3G: Which Comes First, the Handsets or the Services?

The old blame game surfaced at the 3GSM World Congress when Vodafone CEO Arun Sarin claimed it was all the handset manufacturers fault. The networks are ready and raring to go with 3G just as soon as handsets that are as good as the current 2.5G ones exist, but as they largely dont yet exist, […]

Who Truly Owns Symbian?

At the 3GSM World Congress this week Symbian CEO David Levin worked hard to counter the general impression that his company is either a wholly owned subsidiary of Nokia or is about to become one. Although what Levin had to say on the issue that dominated Symbians press conference at the show was technically correct, […]

Group Sense PDA Launches Second PalmSource Phone

CANNES, France (special to—Group Sense PDA, a PalmSource licensee, announced Tuesday at the 3GSM World Congress here its second PalmSource phone: the Xplore G88. This follows up last years Xplore G18 and is a multifeature smartphone running Palm OS 4.1.2. It has a a built-in 320-by-240 digital camera with zoom, 16MB RAM, a 22MB […]