The Station long has been a student of history. Count me among those who believe that for us to continue to evolve and improve as a society, we need to know history. We need to remember what we did that was right and worked; we also need to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again.
We need to understand where we’ve been, so we can proceed on the right track in the future. All the answers here point to knowing what has already happened, so we can make better things happen.
With this in mind, all memory roads lead to the data center in the IT world.
Let’s break this down now for you who are interested in data, where it rests, how it’s stored and protected, and how it is archived.
Specifically, we’re talking about a company originally called Global DataCenter Management that’s been reborn this year as nlyte Software. Yes, nlyte is all lower case, so you’ll have to get used to it.
nlyte [pronounced just like it sounds, en-light] provides as deep a look into the workings of a data center — as well as its physical environs — as any company in the business.
You’ve heard all the talk about IT managers and facilities guys getting together more and more to discuss common ground. nlyte can be a major facilitator in this regard.
nlyte’s software keeps track of everything — all data center assets, their storage and memory capacities, power usage, carbon footprints — you name it. It then records all this information, analyzes it, and gives reports on demand that a corporation can use to predict future trends in all of the above.
Imagine the capital costs an IT manager — and facilities planner — can save if they knew exactly how much storage they’re going to be needing for the next 12 to 18 months. They would never over-provision. Or how much power cost on the bottom line they will be saving the company by spinning down servers and arrays when they are not needed, say late in the evenings and on weekends.
nlyte can do those and myriad other things. We’ve seen it in action at the company’s new Menlo Park, Calif., headquarters, and we were impressed. And The Station is not easily impressed.
nlyte is the ultimate history professor in the data center — as well as a businesslike forecaster of future trends. Now no one is saying that such software is infallible and perfect in execution. But it’s likely a lot better than many IT managers have at their disposal.
nlyte was founded by a group of veteran data center management professionals seven years ago. it is designed strictly to improve the efficiency and management of data center assets and physical infrastructure by providing a complete, Web-based-access package for data center performance management.
nlyte combines next-generation software, a set of best data center practices, and longtime expertise in data center operations. You can go here for more information. eWEEK and The Station will be reporting more on what this company is doing in the future, so stay tuned..
What’s my favorite television channel, you say? Why, The History Channel, of course.