Tips used for Top Tips come from the ExtremeTech forum and are written by our community.
Question from haysdad
“When I go to Windows Update there are three critical updates to download and install, numbers 818529,811493 and q815021. When I try to download and install the download stops and after some time it comes up not responding and I have to turn the computer off.
I have tried doing them separately but it still locks up, I didnt know if anybody else is having trouble and if anybody has any ideas. I am using xp home on cable modem. Also I have even tried the regular updates non critical and it also locks up.”
Answer from Rebel58
“Go to C:windows/system32 and find a folder called “CatRoot2” rename it “catRoot2old” then go to C: and find the folder “WUTemp” and rename it to “WUTempold” The reboot and run windows update and windows will create both of the above folders again and update will work fine had the same problem before and this fixed the update problems.”
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