By now, you may have seen the latest leaked memo from Microsoft Vice President Brian Valentine. The memo outlines the companys anti-Linux strategy. Though the memo addresses the problem of confidential information leaking, dont mistake the real story here: Microsoft is still very worried about Linux and is doing and saying anything to discredit the open-source platform and its proponents.
eWeek has been reporting on Microsofts concern since last years LinuxWorld conference, where a Microsoft group product manager, Doug Miller, told all who would listen that the company takes Linux very seriously—and heres why Windows is better.
You bet the company takes Linux seriously. Microsoft has sales and marketing staff whose only job is finding ways to root Linux out of an enterprise in favor of Microsoft products.
In Redmonds latest attack on Linux, it points out that Linux is not free. No kidding: The source code is free, but there are costs, administrative and otherwise, associated with Linux, which no one is denying. Another point concerns server consolidation, a movement in which IT managers are getting more bang for the server buck by running Linux on mainframes or virtual servers on mainframes.
Valentines memo states that a forthcoming “independent” research report will “help your customer understand just how competitive Microsoft is in [server consolidation].”
These cost and consolidation issues converge on Microsofts point, which is that its less costly to run Windows, and why not consolidate your systems on .Net servers? The only thing wrong with this scenario is that it goes against everything Microsoft has been trying to do for 27 years, which is to sell as many units as possible, not fewer (in the case of consolidation).
Im sure IBM (another target of Microsoft) could produce research that shows why OS/390 delivers the best economies of scale. But remember, despite what Microsoft says, it does not want merely to coexist with Linux. It wants to eliminate it.
Who will win? Write to me at scot_