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2Communities Rule
There are online communities built especially for you that offer free advice and expertise from other people out there in the trenches. Additionally, communities are the perfect place for unbiased advice on products that you may be thinking of buying or technologies you may be thinking of deploying.
3Know Your Network
4Manage Service Provider Costs
5Go Virtual, Baby
Virtualization technology has matured significantly in recent years, and companies across the globe are saving significantly through smart use of this technology. Additionally, virtualized PCs, servers and infrastructure consume less energy, have smaller cooling and space requirements, and help to reduce the overall carbon footprint of your data centers.
6Take Advantage of Free Tools
There are dozens of nifty free tools available, including many of that are open source technology. The tricky part is figuring out where to (and where not to) use them. Remember that your time is your most valuable asset. So if the free software is consuming a great deal of your time, it has become very expensive.
7Know When to Bring In an Expert
8Dont Be Afraid to Introduce a Little Competition
9Create a Wish List
10If You Dont Use It, Stop Paying for It
11Bring on the Interns
In today’s job market, a great way to save money is to bring in a group of interns to help staff some of your larger projects. They work for free or for minimal salaries because they’re eager to learn and get some hands-on experience.